mercredi 25 juillet 2012

 Photo ci dessus (Wiki) Poliste Fuscatus, espèce nord américaine. Absence de taches jaune au début de l'abdomen.

4 commentaires:

Calendula a dit...

Looks like Polistes nimpha??

Vieux Matou a dit...

Ou bien une poliste fuscatus ?

Calendula a dit...

Yes, more likely! It's difficult. There are ssp. living in Europe and others in North America. There is a good photo of a P. nimpha on this site:
Perhaps you have some other photos of yours to compare it. The strips are a little bit different...

Calendula a dit...

P. fuscatus obviously don't have all that coloured dots. I found a photo in google, which is on this site:
The post of the 1st of July 2012. There is one, which looks like yours.
I would think, it is a P. fuscatus.