mercredi 15 août 2012

Etant curieux de nature je me demandais ce que pouvait bien être ces taches rouges sur cet opilion. Et bien c'est un parasite enfin un genre d'acarien des Leptus beroni.
EspèceLeptus beroni

3 commentaires:

Calendula a dit...

I have a photo of a butterfly with a red mite. That one at the butterfly could also be a Trombidium holosericeum (rote Samtmilbe). But nevertheless - spider or butterfly, they have not really a chance to get rid of it...

... I have an itch only by thinking of it ... :-(

Vieux Matou a dit...

I don't this:

Calendula a dit...

I agree! I took a closer look at the mite of my butterfly. It's more red and more flat.
I think I will post it at the end of the week. It's not complete yet.

Ouuuuh! These bloodsucking beasts. I'm not at all afraid of spiders, but mites and all kind of that sort give me the creeps... ;-)